Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mr. Neil Diamond for Pres of the U.S of F-ing A

Neil Diamond by ~kateburning

My fellow Americans, I admire both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as much as the next mildly well informed Democratic white guy. Yet at a certain point, isn't enough finally enough? Whether we choose to accept it or not, the time has come for men and women of good faith to begin the painful but necessary process of looking elsewhere for the perfect consensus candidate who can reunite our party and ultimately our country this coming November.

With all that in mind, I have come here today not simply to say "Hello Again," but rather to declare that our search for the next American President need go no further than American Idol this week. Ladies and gentleman, on behalf of one Jew from the great state of New Jersey now living in the Hollywood Hills, I proudly pledge all of my non-existent delegates to a true American Idol among us, the next President of these United States -- Mr. Neil Diamond,


w said...

I'd vote for Kentucky Woman. Or Forever in Blue Jeans.

In fact, given a choice between 'leadership' and Neil serenading us every week I'd take Neil. Couldn't do any worse.

Akubi said...

I do like that thong thung blue concept though (see daily koi blog).
Blue jeans remind me of embarrassing stuff my mom would wear when she picked me up from school and I hoped to disassociate from her because she didn't look like the TV re-runs I preferred.
So are you the same w as the one at CR? If so, great comments. Unless I'm stuck in the "blogger-sphere" I change identities.
Too complicated to remember one of many passwords otherwise.

Akubi said...

What about SWEET Caroline?!

w said...

same 'w'. Thanks.

Sweet Caroline is one of my favorites along with I Am...I Said. Nothing like singing Sweet Caroline on Nintendo Karaoke.

You are sure busy with the blogs you run. And your content is very good.

Ogg the Caveman said...

I think you now make up more than half my feedz.